IPS Education Conference 2022

Free to attend, one-day face to face educational conferece - limited places available 

Event details:

Date: Tuesday 22nd November 2022


Parking: There is free parking available on site for up to 160 cars. Please provide your vehicle registration to the Hotel Reception on arrival.  


Supported by:Tork an Essity Brand and Sodexo Health & Care


The event is for IPC practitioners looking to increase their knowledge in infection prevention across the fields of environment, cleaning and decontamination.


Speakers | What to expect | Agenda |


See details of the 2021 Conference >>


Lisa Butcher - Educational lead

IPS President 

Oxford University Hospitals
Lead Nurse for Infection Prevention and Control, the Decontamination Lead and Chair of the Water Safety Group

Mark Garvey - Conference Close

Consultant Clinical Scientist & Deputy DIPC,university Hostpital Birmingham

Heidi Barnard -

IPC & sustainability 


Tracey Gauci -

Decontamination (Choosing disinfectants)

Consultant Practitioner - Infection Prevention at Hywel Dda University Health Board

David Jenkins -

Healthcare buildings

Consultant Medical Microbiologist, Infection Prevention doctor & BSAC President, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Catherine Noakes -

Ventilation (Air cleaners)

Deputy Director Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds

Nicole Stoesser

Sink Life

Consultant in Infection at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and Clinician-scientist working in the Modernising Medical Microbiology group within the University of Oxford.

What to expect 

The Infection Prevention Society ECD event is a face-to-face educational pillar with the opportunity of networking.  Time is set-aside to allow for networking during coffee and lunch breaks.   The speakers have been specifically invited to offer relevant and thought-provoking topics that helps educate the IPS members. 

Pre-registration is required and entry is permissible via ticket confirmation.  Due to restriction on numbers we are unable to allow entry without pre-registration or to anyone arriving on the day. 

The Agenda 

Coffee and Tea on arrival from 9.30am with a 10am start.  We’ll be providing two breaks with coffee, and a break with a hot buffet lunch. 

09.00 - 10.00


Please head to our Event Welcome Desk outside the Buckingham Suite to register and grab your name badge. Coffee and Pastries will be served in the foyer.

10.00 - 10.15 

Open and welcome 

Lisa Butcher - IPS President and Educational Lead 

10.15 - 11.00 

IPC & sustainability - Let's talk about Net Zero, Greener NHS, Social Value and Sustainability

Heidi Barnard 

Head of Sustainability, NHS Supply Chain

11.00 - 11.45

Designing hospitals now for the next half-century and beyond

Dr David Jenkins 

Consultant in Medical Microbiology and Virology University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

11.45 - 12.30

Decontamination - Hinching in Healthcare: top ten tips’ - What to look for when choosing and using disinfectants

Tracey Gauci 

Consultant Practitioner Infection Prevention

12.30 - 13.15

Lunch and networking

13.15 - 14.00

The link's the sink: Sinks and the transmission of Gram-negative pathogens in healthcare settings - how big is the problem and what can we do about it?

Dr Nicole Stoesser

Consultant in Infection/Researcher, Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

14.00- 14.45 

Everything you wanted to know about air cleaners but were afraid to ask

Cath Noakes

Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings, University of Leeds

14.45 -15.30 

Coffee and networking

15.30- 16.15 

Has IPC got a role in hospital productivity? From front door to back door!

Mark Garvey

Consultant Clinical Scientist, Deputy Director of Infection Prevention and Control,University Hospitals Birmingham


Closing Remarks 





View other IPS ECD events

Waste - Does it really matter? - Webinar - March 2023

IPS Environment, Cleaning and Decontamination Educational Conference - In person event - November 2021

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